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Easy Fundraising Ideas

  Easy Fundraising Ideas Getting creative with your fundraiser can inspire donors to give more. These easy fundraising ideas can add unique and fresh elements to the long list of established fundraising ideas. Here’s your guide to leading the  fundraising  charge with proven ideas that will grab the attention of donors, inspire donations, and boost social shares in your community. Start a fundraiser Fundraising ideas that spark creativity 1.Host  an Art Gala An art gala is one of the more creative fundraiser ideas. If you’re an artist or have friends or students that are artists or craftspeople (perhaps photographers, painters, or jewelry makers), ask them to donate pieces to an art sale supporting your cause. Here’s how:  Find a space to host the event—ideally a gallery, cafĂ©, or school space. Serve drinks and appetizers.  Allow people time to walk around, chat, learn about your cause, and enjoy the art.  Provide information about your cause by setting up a donation station with a mob