Easy Fundraising Ideas


Easy Fundraising Ideas

Getting creative with your fundraiser can inspire donors to give more. These easy fundraising ideas can add unique and fresh elements to the long list of established fundraising ideas. Here’s your guide to leading the fundraising charge with proven ideas that will grab the attention of donors, inspire donations, and boost social shares in your community.

Start a fundraiser

Fundraising ideas that spark creativity

1.Host  an Art Gala

An art gala is one of the more creative fundraiser ideas. If you’re an artist or have friends or students that are artists or craftspeople (perhaps photographers, painters, or jewelry makers), ask them to donate pieces to an art sale supporting your cause. Here’s how: 

  • Find a space to host the event—ideally a gallery, cafĂ©, or school space. Serve drinks and appetizers. 
  • Allow people time to walk around, chat, learn about your cause, and enjoy the art. 
  • Provide information about your cause by setting up a donation station with a mobile device displaying your fundraiser page. Show people how much their purchases and donations can help. 
  • Once everyone’s had a chance to browse, begin the sale; winners can make donations to your fundraiser.

2.Host an Art Workshop

This is one of our favorite quick fundraising ideas. If you have artistically talented friends and family, you can host an art workshop. There’s likely to be a great deal of overlap between people who support your cause and those who want to learn a related craft. 

  • Ask yourself: what kinds of fun art workshops can you and your fundraising team teach? Can you book an accomplished teacher to donate his or her time? 
  • Think about figure drawing, portrait or still life photography, landscape painting, even cake decorating or other food art. 
  • Host half-day or full-day workshops in exchange for donations to your fundraiser.

 3.Organize a Talent Show

If you’re looking for unique fundraising ideas, then you just need to allow your community to show what makes them special. Host a talent show and invite supporters and members of your local community to perform. Some easy steps to do this are:

  • Name the talent show after your fundraiser. Ask guests to make a donation to your cause as the price of admission. 
  • Choose a venue like a gymnasium, local theater, or other public space. 
  • Publicize your talent show in your community and on your crowdfunding page. 
  • If possible, ask a well-known member of the community to act as your emcee. 
  • Ask businesses for sponsorships and matching donations. 
  • For those who can’t attend, share pictures and videos from the show on your fundraiser page and social media to inspire them to give.

4. Sell Craft Online

If you and your fundraising team have ideas for clothing, jewelry, or other artwork you can reproduce in large quantities, you can use sites like eBay and Etsy to help you raise money. This is just one of many virtual fundraising ideas!

  • Choose crafts you can produce in quantity, don’t require too many resources, and customize easily with buyers’ names or other information. 
  • Upload photos of your crafts onto an e-commerce site. 
  • Note in the item description that profits from the sales go to fundraising for a cause, and link to your fundraiser. 
  • Make and deliver the items to order. 
  • If your first set of items are a success, consider adding new ones. 
  • Donate all the funds made from selling your crafts (i.e. the margin between costs of making and shipping the products and the amount you make after selling them) to your fundraiser.

Startup Art Business Fundraising

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